Little Magic Train, Fun exciting classes that enable children to express themselves Creatively

Mums and Dads

Parental engagement in children's learning in the home makes the greatest difference to student achievement.
Alma Harris & Janet Goodall (2008) Do parents know they matter? Engaging all parents in learning, Educational Research, 50:3, 277-289, DOI: 10.1080/00131880802309424

Littlemagictrain has been created by an expert teacher and musicians, to help you support your child achieve the Early years learning goals.

Communication skills: Speech & language

Physical and loco-motor development

Numeracy skills

Creativity, imagination & role-play

Problem solving

Personal, social & emotional development

Encourages healthy eating and oral care

Builds confidence


To hear more about Littlemagictrain listen to an excerpt with Sue Atkins the Parenting Expert in conversation with Gina Bale creator of the Littlemagictrain:

Sue Atkins


Littlemagictrain © Gina Bale 2008-18 | Website: fudgie | Terms of Use | Privacy